n.vanluijn@avans.nl - 088-5257728

How does it work?

During this International Study Week (ISW) you get an in-depth insight in the working of the governing body of the EU / Ministry of Foreign Affairs the Netherlands and get the opportunity to work on finding solutions for actual real questions various companies are faced with. Key-note lectures from financial experts (a.o. RABO Bank/ CommonWealth Bank of Australia/ Advisory Oost/ Brexit Specialist) will give you an insight and discuss with you the aftermath of what the Brexit means and other relevant themes. Different nationalities, working across borders, solving actual marketing questions and issues in all the aspects of international business. Business Leaders will present their ‘Wicked Problems’ – AVANS Students are invited to help to solve them.
All the companies and business owners have made prices available for the groups that bring forward the best solution. Solving their problems will not only give prices but also may bring you a across the threshold of scoring your next internship.

avans ISW
foto van een vergadering

What does it bring?

With this program, we want to, besides broadening your scope on the international and multi-dimensional aspects of international business, also let you interact and work with leaders and help them to solve the challenges they are faced with. This International Study Week gives you a unique possibility to even have a ‘red-carped’ invitation for your next international internship.

Participating Organizations